Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the Theme of Ducks

The fresh yellow color of baby ducks always reminds us Spring is here. This week, our theme is DUCK.

Rubber ducks in the "pond".
To introduce the concepts of float and sink,we provided our children with rubber ducks, rocks and blocks and had them experiment those objects in water. Our children enjoyed this activity and they quickly found out the rubber ducks always floated, the rocks always sank and the blocks can be either way depending on if they were filled with water.

Rubber Ducks in a "Pond"

Duck Cookies
We baked some duck cookies this week and decorated them with yellow icing.
Duck cookies
Decorated with Yellow icing
Ready to bring home
Children craft this week: duck collage
We also listened to the music "Five little ducks", "Counting little ducks (Chinese)" this week.
We learned to waddle like little ducks and mimic duck sounds together.

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