Saturday, April 7, 2012

How Seeds Travel and grow

This week we learned about how seeds travel and grow.
Early this week, we had a chance to blow dandelions  (蒲公英) in the park, a wonderful first hand experience for our children to learn how wind help seeds travel.
Later we read a book together called the Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, a classic children book about seeds and season. I  also found a video clip  of this book on youtube narrated in English.
Our children were very fascinated about the destiny of the tiny seed and they loved to know the happy ending: the tiny seed grew into a giant flower.

We planted some basil and parsley seeds a couple of weeks ago, now we have beautiful buds in these small pots. A couple of weeks later, we will transfer them into a bigger pot and build a mini herb garden together.

basil and parsley

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