Saturday, May 5, 2012

the Theme of Construction

Children like to learn about things around us, such as houses and buildings. They wonder how things being built up and what we call each part of a building, e.g. window, door, roof...They just have so many questions for us...

This week our theme was Construction. First we read the story "the Three Little Pigs". Our children learned there were some materials that are more suitable for buildings, e.g. bricks, rocks... I prepared some building materials for our children to feel and touch, let them discuss which one is stronger and more durable...

I demonstrated a drawing of a simple house and a pink pig to our children and had them name each part of the house while I was drawing.

We also read a simple blueprint together, we worked together to find the doors, windows, attics, etc. on the blueprint.

To understand how buildings being structured, we used spaghetti and marshmallow to make a building together.

We watched a short video on youtube, a musical version of "the Three Little Pigs", very fun and comical.

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