Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fine Motor Skills: Stringing

Fine motor skills are the coordination of small muscle movements which occur e.g., in the fingers, wrists and hands, usually in coordination with the eyes and are controlled by central nerves. In our program, we incorporate many activities that build toddlers' fine motor skills and help encourage them to develop new ones.

This week we did stringing, a fun activity for children to exercise their  fine motor skills. We provide younger children with bigger string blocks. For older children (>2.5y), we gave them colorful beads to string necklaces and bracelets. Every child brought home a hand made necklace for Mom. 

Stringing blocks for younger children

Stringing Beads for older children (>2.5y)

Necklaces for Mom
Stringing blocks for younger children

Stringing beads for older children

I made myself a bracelet

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